Treasure Vases and Blessing Las Vegas

Dear Sangha and friends,
Recently Lama Jigme Rinpoche, the Padma Rigdzin Ling Sangha, along with his sponsors Adam and Valerie, have been working to create a set of Buddhist Treasure Vases (ter) for the purpose of blessing Las Vegas and the world, as well as benefiting all sentient beings. These vases are part of an ancient tradition that Rinpoche has brought from his Masters in Tibet and were buried in the earth to help balance the five elements of the environment (earth, air, fire, water and space). We created and buried five vases to symbolize the healing of these five elements in the Las Vegas Valley in the month of June 2022.
The benefits of Treasure Vases are that the five elements will be restored, prosperity, wealth and good health will increase, sickness and suffering will be pacified, nature and the land will be healed, peace will be supported for the area and the world, famine will be prevented and healed, obstacles will be overcome, anger and warfare will be pacified, droughts will be alleviated with rainfall and also weather conditions in the area will be good in general. Anyone who sponsors a Treasure Vase will have their wishes be fulfilled.
In our modern time, we humans take so much from the Earth by digging and mining and we create a vast amount of pollutants that disturb the five elements. When the five elements are disturbed then there will be suffering for all beings. The Treasure Vase is very important for healing these elements in this era.
It took us a year to gather all the ingredients for the vases. Treasure Vases are created by bringing together many different precious substances together (dzi) and then consecrating them by much ritual and prayer. They can either go in the earth or remain in people’s homes. They truly bring harmony to the world and environment as well as heal people’s bodies and minds.
If you had an interest in sponsoring a Treasure Vase then please contact us. Please note it is very important to have devotion and pure perceptions in the Lama if you were interested in the Treasure Vases.